Health & Beauty Fitness

17 simple Back Fat Exercises You Can Do At Home

So here’re some back fat exercises you can do at home because even with our best efforts to lose weight, stubborn fat clings to specific body parts and puts up a strong fight. when it comes to the upper body, excess fat around our shoulders and back frequently causes the dreaded bra bulge.

So what can a girl (or guy) do to regain their sexuality? To start, let’s be clear about one thing: spot reduction is a myth. Instead, concentrate on lowering your overall body fat and using exercise to build stronger back muscles.

What is the cause of back fat?

If you’re wondering back fat exercises first we need to determine the cause of the enemy’s rudeness to us before we launch an attack his seemingly senseless attack might be justified for some reasonable reason . The following factors might possibly contribute to the issue.

Back fat builds up gradually over time, and starting at the age of 30, it becomes more apparent how difficult it is to lose, particularly around the “love handles,” “muffin tops,” and behind the bra strap, according to Barratt.

Somatopause, the phenomenon of declining growth hormone levels in women as they age, is to blame for this. It is more difficult to maintain existing muscle mass and add new muscle when growth hormone levels are low. In other words, what were formerly back muscles could naturally transform into upper body and back fat.

Other possible lifestyle-related causes include:

  • eating too much salt or sugar (which can contribute to inflammation in the body)
  • Eating too many calories (before even starting to add up food math, understand how many calories your body needs. The practice of counting macros is common.
  • a sedentary way of life
  • the ageing process naturally
  • Having poor posture can make softer areas more noticeable to you.
  • The muscles that run along your back, such as the glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles, can go unnoticed unless you consciously strengthen them, unlike the muscles on the front of the body, which can contribute to a loss of strength and tone.

back fat exercises you can do at home:

back fat exercises

1. Prone Lat Pull back

If you wondering back fat exercises then try prone lat exercise.

Your lats, posterior shoulders, and upper back muscles will all become stronger after this exercise.

This is how it appears:

Lay on the ground face down.

  • Put your thumbs up toward the ceiling while raising your arms overhead.
  • In order to put your elbows in your back pocket, bring your elbows down by your sides and retract your shoulder blades, also known as the scapulae.
  • Return to the starting position after one second of holding the contraction.
  • Do not arch your lower back during this exercise; instead, keep your glutes engaged.
  • How many reps should you perform?

12 to 15 reps per set

2. Prone Thoracic Extension

The prone thoracic extensions come next.

Your thoracic mobility will increase as a result of this exercise, which also works your upper back muscles.

One of the best ways to improve upper back posture is to do this!

This is the procedure.

  • Your hands should be crossed behind your head as you lay face down on the ground.
  • From this point on, be sure to tighten your glutes and activate your core.
  • By only arching at the top of your back, you can raise your head and upper chest off the mat.
  • Hold this position for two to three seconds before descending.
    Never allow your low back to arch.
    At first, your range of motion might be quite limited. It’s alright. Work within the limits of your capacity.

How many reps should you perform?

10-12 repetitions per set

3. Plank Row (AKA Renegade Rows)

If you wondering back fat exercises then plank row is easiest way to lose back fat. and one of my favorite exercise is the plank row, which comes next. This excellent exercise will work all of your body’s muscles, not just your back

You are welcome to perform this exercise with either your body weight or a small dumbbell.

It looks like this: Lie flat on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands at your sides.

Always maintain a tight core and engaged glutes.

  • From here, take one hand and straighten it toward your chest while holding a dumbbell if you are using one.
  • Next, turn your upper body around and extend that hand upwards until it is facing the ceiling.
  • Change to regular push-ups from your feet with straight legs once you can complete 20 repetitions with proper form.
  • Return to the plank after one to two seconds of holding this position.
  • If you find this exercise too difficult, you can perform it on your knees.

How many reps should you perform?

8–10 times on each side.

4. Sliding scapular walls

A little-known exercise called scapular wall slides really works the middle back and other important back muscles.

Additionally, it’s fantastic for increasing scapular mobility, keeping your shoulders healthy.

Just a wall to lean against will do.

This is how it appears:

  • Four points of contact should be made while standing with your back against a wall: the butt, upper back, lower back, and upper back.
  • Keep your low back flat against the wall the entire time.
  • In front of your head, lean your hands back against the wall.
  • After that, slowly slide your arms up the wall.
  • It is very challenging to keep your elbows, wrists, or hands from leaving the wall.
  • After moving as far as you can, slowly retrace your steps to come back down.
  • Repeat as necessary.

How many reps should you perform?

8–10 times each set.

5. Bent Over W’s

At this point, you ought to be familiar with the W exercise.

We will carry out the movement while bending over in order to increase its intensity. In this manner, we give the exercise a little more weight.

This is how it appears:

  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, stoop to one knee.
  • As far as you can comfortably stoop, until your back is parallel to the floor.
  • Avoid bending or rounding your spine.
  • Your knees ought to be slightly bent.
  • After that, keep your elbows close to your sides while bending them.
  • From this position, turn your arms outward to form a “W” shape.
  • For three seconds, maintain this posture, then let go.

How many reps should you perform?

12 to 15 reps per set

6. Wall Pulls

If you wondering back fat exercises then wall pull would be best exercise.

Your biceps, lattisimos, trapezius, and rhomboids will all get stronger after doing this exercise.

This is how it appears:

  • You can use a sturdy door frame (or a pole) to support yourself.
  • Straighten your elbows and take hold of the door frame with both hands.
  • The difficulty of the exercise increases as you bring your feet closer to the frame.
  • Pull yourself toward the door frame at first, until your chest touches the frame.
  • Focus on tightening every back muscle you have for the full two seconds that you hold this position.
  • Repeat while slowly extending your elbows.

How many reps should you perform?

12 to 15 reps per set

7. Bicycle Crunches

Back extensors, erector spinae, rear deltoids, abs, and glutes are the target muscles.

Performing Bird Dog Crunches

  • Get into a quadruped or “dog” position on your hands and knees on the ground.
  • Straighten your left leg behind you and extend your right arm out in front of you.
  • Bring your knee and elbow together to perform a crunch.
  • Repeat after extending them back to their starting position.
  • 2 sets of 15 repetitions

Tip: You are not performing this exercise correctly if you experience neck pain while performing it. Maintain a neutral neck position.

8. Bent Over Row

Target muscles include the biceps, lat’s, rhomboids, and rear dalts.

Performing a Bent Over Row

As you stand straight and with your feet close together, hold a dumbbell in each hand.

  • In order to maintain a long spine, bend forward, push your hips back, slightly flex your knees, roll your shoulders back, open your chest, and maintain a straight line of sight. Your starting point is here.
  • Flex your elbows and slightly curl your arms while maintaining a strong core. Pull your upper arms back at the same time so that your elbows are just behind your shoulders.
  • Returning to the starting position, raise your arms.

Sets and Reps: two sets of ten repetitions.

Advice: Avoid hunching your shoulders and bending over. Do this exercise to strengthen your back after rolling your shoulders back.

9. Bridge Press Ups

The bridge press-up is a fantastic exercise for strengthening your back muscles while increasing your mobility.

It is a fantastic way to strengthen your core muscles as well.

Although this exercise does require good mobility, you can still train it.

Just use the range of motion that you have.

This is how it appears:

  • Knees bent and feet flat on the floor, lie on your back.
  • With your fingers pointing away from your body, place your hands palm down by your head.
  • As usual, brace your core and squeeze your glutes before each repetition.
  • Lift your butt off the ground and dig your hands into the surface.
  • Your elbows should be completely straight at the peak of the movement.
  • Return slowly to your starting position and then repeat.
  • How many reps should you perform?

10 to 12 reps per set

10. Push-Ups

back fat exercises

If you wondering back fat exercises then push ups is one of the best way to lose back fat without equipment.

Push-ups are excellent for building up your chest and showing off your newly toned back!

Start with modified kneeling pushups.

  • While lowering your chest gradually to the floor, concentrate on using your back muscles.
  • Return to the top position by pushing up.

Repeat between 10 and 20 times.

11. Pull-Ups

Install a pull-up bar in your house, and you’ll soon be on your way to a sexy back and a tonne of useful strength.

Start by performing negative pullups as follows:

  • At the top of the movement, start with your palms outward.
  • Lower yourself gradually and deliberately.
  • Restart at the beginning of the movement, then 5–10 times.
  • When your strength allows, progress to full pull-ups:
  • beginning at the base of the movement.
  • using your back, shoulders, and arms to raise yourself.
  • Controlled lowering is required; repeat 5–10 times.

12. Supine Bodyweight Fly’s

If you wondering back fat exercises, The supine bodyweight fly is one of the best exercises for the upper back and posterior deltoids .

Don’t underestimate how difficult it might be despite the fact that it might seem simple.

It seems like this:

  • On your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
  • Hold your arms out straight by your sides with your elbows straight and your thumbs pointing up toward the ceiling.
  • Pushing your fists into the ground, raise your upper back off the floor.
  • Hold this contraction for a few seconds and then release the tension.
  • Repeat.
  • How many repetitions should you do?

12 to 15 reps per set

13. Pulldowns for towel slides

If you wondering back fat exercises then pulldown is best .

This resembles the lat pulldown that you would find in a typical gym.

Use any old towel.

Your lattisimus muscles will get stronger from this exercise.

This is how it appears:

  • Hold a towel overhead while lying face down on the ground.
  • Squeeze your glutes and brace your core.
  • Squeezing your scapulae together, arch your upper back and bring the towel down towards your chest.
  • Slide the towel along the floor and slowly raise it back up.
  • Repeat.

How many reps should you perform?

12–15 times in each position for each set.

14. YTW

The YTW exercise comes next. The lower trapezius, the rhomboids, and the posterior shoulder’s rear deltoids can all benefit greatly from this exercise.

Additionally, the prone position is used.

This is how it appears:

  • Your arms should be extended overhead, thumbs facing the ceiling, as you lay face down on the floor.
  • Like the YMCA song, separate your arms into a “Y” shape.
  • By tensing the muscles in your upper back, you can raise your arms off the ground. For two seconds, maintain this contraction.
  • Next, straighten your arms so they are at your sides. The “T” position is this. Hold this contraction for 2 seconds while raising your arms off the floor once more with your thumbs facing up.
  • Finally, make a “W” shape with your arms by bending your elbows and holding them close to your sides. Repeat after holding the contraction for two seconds.

How many reps should you perform?

6-8 times in each position for each set.

15. Superman

If you wondering back fat exercises then try my favorite exercise is the superman, which comes next. It focuses on simultaneously enlarging the muscles of the upper and lower back.

Additionally, it is performed while prone (lying face down).

This is how it appears:

  • Lay on the ground face down with your arms raised in the air.
  • Squeeze your glutes and brace your core.
  • From here, lift both of your feet off the ground and raise both of your arms straight up in the air.
  • Hold this position for 1-2 seconds while keeping your elbows and knees straight.
  • Return slowly to your starting position and then repeat.

How many reps should you perform?

10 to 12 reps per set

16. Prone Thoracic Extension

The prone thoracic extensions come next.

Your thoracic mobility will increase as a result of this exercise, which also works your upper back muscles.

One of the best ways to improve upper back posture is to do this!

This is the procedure.

  • Your hands should be crossed behind your head as you lay face down on the ground.
  • From this point on, be sure to tighten your glutes and activate your core.
  • By only arching at the top of your back, you can raise your head and upper chest off the mat.
  • Hold this position for two to three seconds before descending.
  • Never allow your low back to arch.
  • At first, your range of motion might be quite limited. It’s alright. Work within the limits of your capacity.

How many reps should you perform?

10-12 repetitions per set

17. Cat-Cow Pose

The Cat-Cow Pose is a relaxing pose that you can do after your back exercises to prevent back injuries.

Upper back, lower back, chest, shoulder, and hips are the main targets.

What Is The Cat-Cow Pose?

  • Your hands and knees should be touching the yoga mat as you assume this position.
  • Raise your head and take a deep breath. Concavely arch your back at the same time.
  • Exhale slowly, round your back, lower your head, and engage your abs.
  • One set of 20 reps constitutes a set.

15 to 12 repetitions per set

These 15 exercises target the back and burn fat there. To lose back fat, however, you must also maintain a balanced and healthy diet

People also ask:


There are several exercises to lose back fat including Prone Lat Pull back, Prone Thoracic Extension, plank row, Sliding scapular walls, Bent over W’s, Wall push, Bicycle Crunches, Bent over row, Bridge Press Ups, Push Ups, Pull Ups, Supine Bodyweight Fly’s, Pulldowns for towel slides, YTW, Superman, Prone Thoracic Extension, Cat-Cow pose.

Goodbye Fatty Back!

There must be infinite number of other exercises to lose back fat. If you have additional advice please share it with the world in the comment section!

Stay Happy : )