Health & Beauty hair care

Learn How to Remove Nits from Hair without Combing Best Way

If you’re wondering How to remove nits from hair without combing first need to determine dealing with hair issues can be difficult, especially when they are as obstinate as head lice! Although a head lice infestation does not transmit any infections or diseases, it is an annoyance that is extremely challenging to eradicate because of how lice reproduce. Additionally, they make you itch, which can drive you crazy, especially if you can’t scratch your head in public. Therefore, if you’re having issues with your hair, we can help. But first, we want to assure you that having head lice does not in any way reflect poorly on your hygiene or cleanliness.

Even if you practice good hygiene and take care of your hair, head lice can still infest you since they are contagious and spread from person to person by crawling. So, we’re going to show you here how to remove nits from hair without combing . Continue experimenting with different cures until your mind is free and clear!

What are nits in hair ?

Nits are another term used when referring to lice, but they are not a different species. When someone uses the term, they are simply referring to the lice eggs that have not yet hatched because they are only the egg stage of the lifecycle.


There are three stages in the life of a louse:

Adult lice lay eggs or nits on hairs close to the scalp and ears. It takes lice eggs 8–9 days to hatch.

  • Nymph: Blood is the only food source for nymphs.
  • Nymphs exist for 9–12 days.
  • Adult: Adults can survive on a person’s head for 30 days. They can only go for one to two days without a blood meal, though.

Cause of lice ?

IF you’ re wondering how to remove nits from hair without combing first we need to determine the cause of enemy’s rudeness to us before we launch an attack his seemingly senseless attack might be justified for some reasonable reason.

A head louse is a strawberry seed-sized, tan or greyish insect. It consumes scalp-based human blood as food. Less than 1/4 inch (5 millimeters) from the scalp, the female louse secretes a sticky substance that firmly adheres each egg to the base of a hair shaft.

How to remove nits from hair without combing – Best 6 ways

How to remove nits from hair without combing

Lice and nits can be removed, though it is challenging. Lice removal medications are available, but they do not help get rid of nits or lice eggs. You cannot get rid of lice as long as their nits and eggs are present in your hair. So, we’re going to show you here how to remove nits from hair without combing we’ve listed a few solutions below. Both the lice and their eggs will be removed with their assistance.

1. Get rid of every adult lice

IF you’ re wondering how to remove nits from hair without combing first get rid of every adult lice.

If adult lice can still reproduce, removing the nits from the infected person’s hair will have no effect. New batches of lice eggs will continue to hatch on the hair as long as there are adult lice present. More lice will develop from these extra eggs, which will then continue to lay eggs. Not until all adult lice have been eliminated will this never-ending cycle be broken. [1] Lice cannot be drowned or killed by submerging your hair in water for an extended period of time. According to studies, lice can survive for several hours underwater by merely adhering to the hair or scalp. Unfortunately, the chlorine in pool water is also insufficient to kill lice.

Use an over-the-counter lice shampoo to wash your hair, or the hair of the person who has them, to kill adult lice. Prescription-strength head lice shampoo is also accessible for severe instances of head lice.

  • Try a shampoo that is prescribed

One choice is pyrethrum, a natural pesticide derived from chrysanthemum blossoms known as pyrethrins.
Although some lice have developed a resistance to the poison, pyrethrins affect the neurological systems of lice.

Shampoo should be used on dry hair. Following a ten-minute wait, add water, work up a lather, and rinse. Then, to get rid of any leftover bugs, try to get rid of the nits and repeat the procedure seven to ten days later.

2. Neem oil

How to remove nits from hair without combing

IF you’ re wondering how to remove nits from hair without combing then one of the best DIY remedies for removing lice eggs from hair is neem oil, which has a potent scent and antimicrobial properties. Neem oil repels lice because of its overpowering scent and because some of its ingredients disrupt the life cycle of lice.

How to use:

  • Apply neem oil to your hair and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes before washing it.
  • then thoroughly rinse your hair.
  • You can also add a few drops of neem oil to your shampoo if you’d like.

3. Tea tree oil

How to remove nits from hair without combing

A popular home cure for skin and hair, tea tree oil is one of the most widely used essential oils and is utilized for its antibacterial characteristics. Lice are easier to kill thanks to its potent fragrance and antibacterial qualities. With a success rate that is comparable to many over-the-counter medications, researchers have discovered that using tea tree oil in combination with another essential oil can help get rid of head lice. Do a patch test on your arm first to be sure tea tree oil is safe for you to use before attempting this cure.

How to use:

  • Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with the necessary amount of carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil, to get rid of lice eggs from hair.
  • If you have any, you may also add a few drops of peppermint or lavender essential oils.
  • Apply the oil mixture to your scalp from the roots to the tips, then massage it for a few minutes.
  • A shower hat should be worn over your hair for an hour.
  • then wash your hair as usual.
  • To get rid of lice and their eggs from the hair, use this solution once per week.

4. Vinegar

How to remove nits from hair without combing

Despite the lack of scientific proof, it is worthwhile to try vinegar as a home cure for removing lice eggs from hair. Applying vinegar to the head prior to washing your hair may help break up the adhesive holding nits to the hair shafts. Because of this, using a nit comb to remove nits is simpler.

How to use:

  • You must apply distilled vinegar to your hair.
  • Rinse hair well with warm water after letting it sit on for a bit.
  • Alternative options include using apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply a mixture of half a cup of water and half a cup of apple cider vinegar to the head.
  • Afterward, rinse your hair with warm water.

5. Onions

How to remove nits from hair without combing

IF you’ re wondering how to remove nits from hair without combing then one of the best DIY,

The benefits of onions for hair growth are well known. Even onion oil for longer hair may have been used by you. Did you know, however, that onions also help to remove lice eggs from hair thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal properties? Additionally, using it is better because it nourishes the hair and promotes growth.

How to use:

  • Use a mixer to combine chopped onions to make onion juice at home.
  • Evenly distribute the juice over your scalp, then let it sit for three to four hours.
  • Dead lice and nits should be removed with a nit comb before giving the hair a thorough shampoo rinse.
  • For the best results, do this once every three to four days.

6. Apply Listerine to the hair thoroughly

How to remove nits from hair without combing

A mouthwash with a high alcohol content, like Listerine, will kill live lice and break the nits’ bond to the hair follicle. Although some “natural remedy” websites advocate using it, be aware that other medical websites do not. For starters, Listerine contains alcohol, which can sting and burn eyes when it comes in contact with open wounds. A child might unintentionally consume it.

If you choose to use Listerine, make sure to thoroughly wet the hair with it before covering it with a shower cap for at least 30 minutes. The adult lice will die as a result. Repeat as necessary.

Do head lice live on pillows ?

You’ll need to clean the pillows because head lice can live there. Adult lice can only endure in the absence of a host for two days. They can still lay eggs, though.

The lice infestation cycle can begin again if the infected person picks up stray lice from their pillow after receiving a lice treatment. Utilizing pillow protectors is the best course of action. These are simple to clean, come in packs of one or two, and stop lice and their eggs from getting into your pillow.

People also ask:


There are several ways to remove nits from hair without combing including prescribed shampoo, neem oil, tea tree oil, vinegar, onion, Listerine.

Goodbye Nits!

There must be infinite number of other way to remove nits from hair without combing , if you have any additional advice, please share it with the world in the comment section !

Stay Happy : )

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