Health & Beauty Fitness

Learn How to Get Rid of Flabby Arms – Best Exercises

It can be difficult to get rid of flabby arms in 30 days. Exercises for flabby arms must be performed in order to reduce arm fat and tone them. The bicep and tricep muscles, which are located at the front and back of your arms, are the focus of these exercises. Regularly performing these exercises can give you shapely, toned arms and effectively reduce any excess flab.

However, let’s first understand what causes flabby arms in the first place before we move on to the exercises. Find out by scrolling down!

Causes of flabby arms?

If you’re wondering how to get rid of flabby arms first we need to determine the cause of the enemy’s rudeness to us before we launch an attack his seemingly senseless attack might be justified for some reasonable reason . The following factors might possibly contribute to the issue.

> Aging

If you’re wondering how to get rid of flabby arms then we need to understand the cause of flabby arms and first factor is aging.

The primary structural protein in our bodies is collagen, which supports the structure of our tendons, skin, and cartilage while also giving our skin its firmness and elasticity.

However, as we get older, our bodies start to lose collagen, which can lead to loose skin on areas of our bodies like our arms and faces. Usually, as we age, our body’s muscle mass declines along with an increase in body fat.

Our bodies burn fewer calories as we get older due to the slower metabolic rate, which also leads to a tendency for weight gain (see the next point!) or an increase in body fat percentage.

All of these factors can cause our skin to loosen and lose its firmness and elasticity, resulting in sagging skin on different parts of our bodies.

> Weight Gain

If you’re wondering how to get rid of flabby arms then we need to understand the cause of flabby arms and second factor is weight gain.

Sagging skin and the dreaded flabby arms or thighs can result from excess body fat. While not everyone who gains weight experiences this, depending on your genetics and body type, you may store more fat in some parts of your body than others.

This can occur on your thighs and buttocks, tummy, or under your arms (flabby arms) (sagging buttocks).

Although maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t always completely prevent sagging skin, being overweight increases the likelihood of it.

Fortunately, body contouring procedures like CoolSculpting can assist in the gradual elimination of fat cells without causing further sagging where there are storage fats present.

Unwanted fat cells are frozen during the non-invasive procedure known as Cool Sculpting, which causes the fat cells to die (a process known as apoptosis). The lymphatic system in our body then naturally eliminates these fats.

> Losing Weight

If you’re wondering how to get rid of flabby arms then we need to understand the cause of flabby arms and third factor is losing weight.

Weight loss can also result in sagging skin, which is annoying because it’s well known that weight gain and body fat can cause this condition.

Sagging skin can result from rapid weight loss, especially when it involves significant amounts of weight. This is due to the fact that our skin, which had expanded to make room for body fat, does not contract after weight loss, causing the extra skin area to sag down.

> Sun Damage

If you’re wondering how to get rid of flabby arms then we need to understand the cause of flabby arms and four factor is sun damage.

Our skin can become less elastic as a result of sun damage. Additionally, too much sun exposure can cause the collagen and elastin in our skin to break down, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin.

Because UV rays speed up skin ageing, sun damage is also harmful to the surface of our skin. This increases the risk of sagging skin by causing our body to lose collagen, which holds and tightens our skin structures together, particularly in areas beneath the skin.

Amazing Way – Get Rid Of Flabby Arms In 30 Days

how to get rid of flabby arms

So, We’re going to show you here how to get rid of flabby arms in 30 days challenge.

( Week 1 of the 30-Day Arm Challenge: Basic Bodyweight Exercises: )

You’ll practice bodyweight exercises like push-ups, triceps dips, triceps push-ups, plank taps, crouching tiger push-ups, and some fine-tuning work during this week of the get rid of flabby arms in 30 days . The final challenge will be an endurance push-up challenge. Let’s get going.

Day 1: Wide-Grip Push-Up

how to get rid of flabby arms
  • Start in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart and your legs extended. It’s ideal to have your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • To engage your core, tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine. To tighten your lats, pull your shoulders down and away from your ears. Utilize your glutes and quads. until the arms are at a 90-degree angle to the body, extend the elbows.
  • Maintain a neutral neck as you gradually lower your body until you stop three inches off the ground. Keep your core engaged the entire time to ensure that your body moves in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Immediately lift yourself back up to your original position.
  • Perform 3 15-rep sets.

Day 2:Tricep Dip 

how to get rid of flabby arms
  • Put your hands behind your body, thumbs pointing forward, and place your fingertips on a slight diagonal. Roll your shoulders back, open your chest, lift your hips, and put your weight on your hands.
  • Bend your elbows and thrust your arms straight back until your butt touches the floor.
  • Firmly squeeze the hands to straighten the elbows.
  • three 15-rep sets should be performed.

Day 3: Triceps Push-Up

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes.
  • Slowly lower your body until you stop 3 inches above the floor while keeping your arms by your sides. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Quickly push yourself back up to where you were.

Day 4: Plank Tap

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Raise both knees off the ground and straighten your legs to get into a high plank position on your palms while contracting your core and squeezing your glutes together. Actively push off the ground, keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • While keeping the left hand firmly on the floor and the core tight, raise the right hand and tap the left shoulder quickly before lowering the hand back to the floor. On the other side, repeat.
  • Alternate continuously for 30 seconds.

Day 5: Crouching Tiger Push-Up

  • Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart, your legs extended, and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 90-degree angle to the body.
  • When you stop 3 inches above the floor, look down to keep your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • Holding a push-up position, bend knees, move hips back until knees are 2 inches off the floor, and extend arms.
  • Raise your hips into the downward dog position while keeping your knees straight. Roll back into plank position by tucking your tailbone and rounding your spine. A rep is one.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Day 6: Fine-Tuning and Dolphin Push-Up

Work on Straight-Arm Fine-Tuning:

  • While lying on your stomach, extend your arms backward and hold 2.5-lb dumbbells, water bottles, or soup cans in your hands with the palms facing down.
  • Tap the floor with the weights while contracting your glutes, lifting your chest, and extending your neck in a neutral position. Then, lift.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.
  • While keeping your arms raised, squeeze your arms in toward your body while pressing and pulling out.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.

Dolphin Push-Up:

  • Start on the floor in a tabletop position with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders, lower one forearm at a time to the ground. Fingers are entwined.
  • Squeeze your glutes together and engage your core as you lift both knees off the ground and straighten your legs into a forearm plank position. Actively push off the ground, keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. This is where things begin.
  • Pull hips back down into plank position by pushing through shoulders and lifting them upward.
  • for a further 25 seconds.
  • Three times through the circuit.

Day 7: Endurance Push-Up Challenge

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 45-degree angle to the body.
  • Lower your body gradually until you stop three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • Quickly push yourself back up to where you were.
  • Perform 8 reps, then take a 5-second break in child’s pose. Perform 7 repetitions, then take a moment to relax in child’s pose. Reps will continue to drop until you only perform 1.

Week 2 of the 30-Day Arm Challenge: Just Add Dumbbells:

how to get rid of flabby arms

The second week of this get rid of flabby arms in 30 days challenge is for you if you’re new to dumbbell moves. Along with some traditional exercises like plank ups and downs, you’ll perform skull crushers, close-grip presses, overhead pulls, and biceps curls. Don’t forget the push-up challenge on Day 14 and the finishing touches on Day 13.

Day 8: Skull Crusher

  • moderately heavy dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs) should be held in each hand as you lay faceup on the floor with your feet flat. With elbows aligned with shoulders, raise your arms above your head.
  • Bend elbows at a 90-degree angle by rotating them in and then shifting weight in that direction.
  • Squeeze the triceps while pressing the weight back up and fully straightening the arms.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Day 9: Close-Grip Press

  • Hold a moderately heavy dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs) in each hand while lying faceup on the floor with your feet flat on the ground. Arms raised above the head, elbows aligned with the shoulders, and palms facing inward.
  • Triceps should be parallel to the floor as you lower the dumbbells to chest level while maintaining a straight elbow position.
  • Lift the weight back up and fully extend your arms.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15-reps.

Day 10: Overhead Pull

  • Hold a moderately heavy dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs) in each hand while lying faceup on the floor with your feet flat on the ground. Arms raised above head, dumbbells pressed together over chest.
  • Slowly raise the dumbbells overhead until they touch the floor while maintaining a tucked tailbone, a tight core, and straight arms.
  • Take a breath in as you raise the dumbbells back above your chest.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15-reps.

Day 11: Plank Up/Down

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Raise both knees off the ground and straighten your legs to get into a high plank position on your palms while contracting your core and squeezing your glutes together. To get into the starting position, actively push off the floor while keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • While keeping your hips aligned, bring your left elbow into a forearm plank before lowering your right elbow. To return to a high plank, place the right hand under the right shoulder and the left hand under the left shoulder.
  • Continually switch which arm comes first for the next 30 seconds.

Day 12: Biceps Curl

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. With arms at your sides and palms facing forward, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Using your biceps muscles, pull the dumbbells up toward your shoulders until your elbows are fully extended while keeping your core tight, your elbows tucked to your sides, and your shoulders down and back. Do not use momentum or sway to raise the dumbbells.
  • After pausing, carefully lower the dumbbells back to their sides.
  • Perform 3 sets of 25-reps (10 full reps, 5 reps lowering halfway, and 10 more full reps).

Day 13: Fine-Tuning and Plank Up/Down

Straight-Arm Fine-Tuning Work:

  • While lying on your stomach, extend your arms backward and hold 2.5-lb dumbbells, water bottles, or soup cans in your hands with the palms facing down.
  • Tap the floor with the weights while contracting your glutes, lifting your chest, and extending your neck in a neutral position. Then, lift.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.
  • While keeping your arms raised, squeeze your arms in toward your body while pressing and pulling out.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.

Plank Up/Down:

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Raise both knees off the ground and straighten your legs to get into a high plank position on your palms while contracting your core and squeezing your glutes together. To get into the starting position, actively push off the floor while keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • While keeping your hips aligned, bring your left elbow into a forearm plank before lowering your right elbow. To return to a high plank, place the right hand under the right shoulder and the left hand under the left shoulder.
  • Continually switch which arm comes first for a total of 25 seconds. Once more, repeat twice.

Day 14: Endurance Push-Up Challenge

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 45-degree angle to the body.
  • Lower your body gradually until you stop three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • Quickly push yourself back up to where you were. A rep is one.
  • Perform 8 repetitions before lowering into a forearm plank and holding it for 20 seconds. Seven repetitions, followed by a 20-second forearm plank hold. Reduce the number of pushups until you can only complete one rep before finishing with a forearm plank.

Week 3: Strength and endurance

This get rid of flabby arms in 30 days challenge is halfway over; now is the time to put all your hard work to the test. Week 3 combines exercises from Weeks 1 and 2 with a few fun new ones for a workout that will leave you drenched in sweat.

Day 15: Overhead Triceps Extension and Bodyweight Triceps Extension

Overhead Triceps Extension:

  • Position your feet hip-width apart, tuck your tailbone, and draw your navel in.
  • Keep the dumbbells together and held overhead. Rotate your elbows in while lowering the weights behind your head until they are in contact with your shoulder blades.
  • Extend arms straight and tighten your triceps to lift the dumbbells back up to your shoulders.
  • Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions each, alternating with sets of bodyweight triceps extensions (8 full reps, 8 reps pulsing at the lowest point, then 4 more full reps).

Bodyweight Triceps Extension:

  • Place your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips in a tabletop position to begin. Spread fingers widely and advance hands a few inches before pressing palms firmly into the mat.
  • Curl your toes under and slowly press your hips toward the ceiling while forming an inverted V with your body. Knees should be slightly bent, feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Returning to downward dog by rotating the elbows in, tapping the forearms to the ground, and then pressing through the palms to extend the elbows. Throughout the entire movement, maintain your hips in the downward dog position.
  • Alternate sets with the overhead triceps extension, performing 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Day 16: Biceps Curl and Wide-Grip Push-Up

Biceps Curl:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. With arms at your sides and palms facing forward, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Using your biceps muscles, pull the dumbbells up toward your shoulders until your elbows are fully extended while keeping your core tight, your elbows tucked to your sides, and your shoulders down and back. Do not use momentum or sway to raise the dumbbells.
  • After pausing, carefully lower the dumbbells back to their sides.
  • Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions each, alternating with sets of wide-grip push-ups (8 full reps, 8 reps only lowering halfway, and 4 more full reps).

Wide-Grip Push-Up:

  • Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart, your legs extended, and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 90-degree angle to the body.
  • Lower your body gradually until you stop three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • Quickly push yourself back up to where you were.
  • Alternate sets with the biceps curl, performing 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Day 17: Triceps Kickback and Triceps Push-Up

Triceps Kickback:

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Keeping your core tight, your back flat, and your butt sticking out, hinge forward at the hips.
  • Completely lock elbows by sides, push the weight back, and straighten the arms. Hold the squeeze for 2 seconds.
  • Retract elbows to a 90-degree angle while being careful not to swing the weight.

Triceps Push-Up:

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes.
  • Slowly lower body until it stops 3 inches above the floor while keeping arms close to sides. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Push yourself up quickly to the starting position.
  • Alternate sets with the triceps kickback while performing three sets of 10 reps.

Day 18: Plank Up/Down to Plank Jack

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Raise both knees off the ground and straighten your legs to get into a high plank position on your palms while contracting your core and squeezing your glutes together. To get into the starting position, actively push off the floor while keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • While keeping your hips aligned, bring your left elbow into a forearm plank before lowering your right elbow. To return to a high plank, place the right hand under the right shoulder and the left hand under the left shoulder. Plank up/plank down, that’s one rep.
  • While keeping your core tight, hop your feet apart before bringing them back together. One rep of plank jacks is that.
  • Perform one plank up and down, then two plank jacks for 30 seconds. 3 Repetition.

Day 19: Hammer Curl and Crouching Tiger Push-Up

Hammer Curl:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Arms at sides, palms facing in, hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Using your biceps muscles, pull the dumbbells up toward your shoulders until your elbows are fully extended while keeping your core tight, your elbows tucked to your sides, and your shoulders down and back. Do not use momentum or sway to raise the dumbbells.
  • After pausing, carefully lower the dumbbells back to their sides.
  • Perform three sets of 20 repetitions each, alternating each set with the crouching tiger push-up (8 full reps, 8 reps going halfway down, and 4 more full reps).

Crouching Tiger Push-Up:

  • Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart, your legs extended, and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 90-degree angle to the body.
  • Lower your body gradually until you stop three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • While still in the push-up position, bend your knees and move your hips back until your knees are 2 inches off the ground and your arms are extended.
  • Raise your hips into the downward dog position while keeping your knees straight. Roll back into plank position by tucking your tailbone and rounding your spine. A rep is one.
  • Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, alternating with hammer curl sets.

Day 20: Fine-Tuning with Modified Hand-Release Push-Up

Straight-Arm Fine-Tuning Work:

  • While lying on your stomach, extend your arms backward and hold 2.5-lb dumbbells, water bottles, or soup cans in your hands with the palms facing down.
  • Tap the floor with the weights while contracting your glutes, lifting your chest, and extending your neck in a neutral position. Then, lift.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.
  • While keeping your arms raised, squeeze your arms in toward your body while pressing and pulling out.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.

Modified Hand-Release Push-Up:

  • Lie on your stomach, bending your knees into a 90-degree angle. Put your hands next to your ribs.
  • Lifting the torso off the floor while keeping the knees on the floor and the calves raised in the air. Back lowered to the ground.
  • Raise your hands off the ground and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Place hands next to the ribcage and bring your arms back to your sides.
  • for a further 25 seconds.
  • Three times through the circuit.

Day 21: Endurance Push-Up Challenge

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 45-degree angle to the body.
  • When you stop 3 inches above the floor, look down to keep your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • Push yourself up quickly to the starting position.
  • Perform 10 repetitions, then maintain a forearm plank for 20 seconds. Hold a forearm plank position for 20 seconds after 9 reps. Reduce the number of pushups until you can hold the final forearm plank while performing just one repetition.

Week 4: Fine-Tuning and Flows

This get rid of flabby arms in 30 days challenge you’ve worked hard to develop strength throughout your upper body; it’s time to enjoy yourself. Stokes designed these inventive flows to put you to the test and include novel movement patterns that will keep your mind and body on the edge of their seats.

Don’t let up on Days 29 and 30; instead, take note of the final endurance push-up challenge to see how far you’ve come. The last two combinations are designed to strain your limits.

Day 22: Triceps Push-Up to Bodyweight Triceps Extension

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Hold this starting position while engaging your glutes and quads.
  • Slowly lower body until it stops 3 inches above the floor while keeping arms close to sides. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Return to a high plank position right away.
  • Immediately return your hips to the downward dog position. Press through the palms to extend the elbows after rotating them in and tapping them on the ground. Hold the downward dog position for your hips.
  • Roll forward into the starting position, tucking the tailbone and rounding the spine. A rep is one.
  • Perform 10 repetitions.

Day 23: Triceps Dip to Panther

Triceps Dip:

  • Tricep Dip Sit on the ground with your hands behind you, thumbs pointing forward, and fingertips angled just so. Roll your shoulders back, lift your hips, put your weight on your hands, and open your chest.
  • Extend elbows straight back until the butt touches the floor.
  • Stroke your hands to erect your elbows.
  • Perform 5 repetitions.


  • Turn over onto the floor into a tabletop position with your feet hip-width apart, knees bent and stacked under your hips, and hands directly beneath your shoulders. Knees should be 2 inches off the ground.
  • While maintaining a flat back and a tight core, advance the opposing arm and leg by 2 inches, turn the elbows in, and lower yourself toward the floor. Repeat on the opposite side.
  • move forward for 4 total steps, then backward for 4 steps.
  • Repeat the circuit 5 times.

Day 24: Plank Triceps Extension to Triceps Push-Up

Plank Triceps Extension:

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor, knees bent and stacked under hips, feet hip-width apart, and hands directly under shoulders. Elbows should be in line with shoulders as you lower each forearm to the ground one at a time. Make firm fists or firmly place your palms on the ground.
  • Lift both knees off the ground and straighten your legs into a forearm plank position while contracting your glutes and stabilising your core. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels while pushing away from the floor.
  • Position elbows about 2 inches in front of shoulders. To straighten the arms, press through the elbows while keeping the palms firmly planted.
  • Bring elbows back to the ground. One rep, then.
  • three repetitions are performed.

Triceps Push-up:

  • Step your hands back in line with your shoulders while keeping your arms close to your sides. Stop 3 inches above the floor as you slowly lower your body. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Quickly push yourself back up to where you were.
  • Perform 2 repetitions.
  • Five times through the circuit.

Day 25: Plank Up/Down to Plank Jack to Mountain Climbers

Plank Up/Down:

  • Place yourself in a tabletop position on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Raise both knees off the ground and straighten your legs to get into a high plank position on your palms while contracting your core and squeezing your glutes together. To get into the starting position, actively push off the floor while keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • While keeping your hips aligned, bring your left elbow into a forearm plank before lowering your right elbow. To return to a high plank, place the right hand under the right shoulder and the left hand under the left shoulder. A rep is one.

Plank Jack:

  • Hop your feet apart and back together while maintaining a high plank and a tight core. A rep is one.
  • Perform 2 repetitions.

Mountain Climbers:

  • Brace your core, lift one foot off the ground, keep your back straight, and look between your hands while holding a high plank position. Then, quickly drive your knee to your chest.
  • Put the foot back where it started and move on to the other leg. Alternately drive your knees in toward your chest as if you were running.
  • On each side, perform 4 reps.
  • 30 seconds of the circuit must pass. 3 Repetition.

Day 26: Couching Tiger Push-Up to Dive Bomber Push-Up

Crouching Tiger Push-Up:

  • Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart, your legs extended, and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes. elbows outward until arms are at a 90-degree angle to the body.
  • Lower your body gradually until you stop three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe by keeping your core active throughout the movement.
  • While still in the push-up position, bend your knees and move your hips back until your knees are 2 inches off the ground and your arms are extended.
  • Raise your hips into the downward dog position while keeping your knees straight. Roll back into plank position by tucking your tailbone and rounding your spine. A rep is one.
  • Perform 3 repetitions.

Dive Bomber Push-Up:

  • From a high plank position, move your hips back to enter a downward dog.  
  • Push through to downward dog while lowering the head, chest, belly button, and face to the floor.
  • Perform 3 repetitions.
  • Five times through the circuit.

Day 27: Fine-Tuning and Hand-Release Push-Up

Straight-Arm Fine-Tuning Work:

  • While lying on your stomach, extend your arms backward and hold 2.5-lb dumbbells, water bottles, or soup cans in your hands with the palms facing down.
  • Tap the floor with the weights while contracting your glutes, lifting your chest, and extending your neck in a neutral position. Then, lift.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.
  • While keeping your arms raised, squeeze your arms in toward your body while pressing and pulling out.
  • Perform 15 repetitions.

Hand-Release Push-Up:

  • Begin in a high plank position with your feet hip-width apart, your legs extended, and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Use your quads and glutes.
  • Lower your body slowly to the ground while keeping your arms by your sides. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Raise your hands off the ground and extend your arms straight out in front of you while hovering.
  • Quickly push back up to the starting position after bringing arms back to sides of ribcage.
  • proceed for 30 more seconds.
  • Triple-repeat the circuit.

Day 28: Endurance Push-Up Challenge

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Contract the core by tucking the tailbone and pulling the navel toward the spine. Draw shoulders away from ears and downward to lock in lats. Employ your glutes and quads. To make a 45-degree angle with the body, push the elbows out.
  • Slowly lower your body until it is three inches above the ground, keeping your neck neutral. Maintain a tight core throughout the movement to keep your body moving in a straight line from head to toe.
  • Rapidly raise yourself back to the starting position.
  • 12 repetitions, followed by a 20 second forearm plank. 12 repetitions, followed by a 20 second forearm plank. Once you can only perform one pushup and maintain the final elbow plank, you can stop.

Day 29: Skull Crusher and Triceps Push-Up to Bodyweight Triceps Extension

Skull Crusher:

  • Hold a moderately heavy dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs) in each hand while lying faceup on the floor with your feet flat on the ground. Arms raised above head with elbows aligned with shoulders.
  • Bend elbows at a 90-degree angle by rotating the elbows in. Then, flex the weight in the direction of the head.
  • Squeeze the triceps as you press the weight back up and fully extend your arms.
  • Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions, alternating sets with bodyweight triceps extension and triceps push-ups.

Triceps Push-Up to Bodyweight Triceps Extension:

  • Begin in a high plank position with the feet hip-width apart, the legs extended, and the hands directly beneath the shoulders.
  • Tuck your tailbone in and draw your navel toward your spine to activate your core. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and down to lock in your lats. Hold this starting position while engaging your glutes and quads.
  • Slowly lower your body until you stop 3 inches above the floor while keeping your arms by your sides. Throughout the movement, maintain core stability to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your knees.
  • Immediately resume a high plank position.
  • Rapidly reposition hips into the downward dog position. Press through the palms to extend the elbows after rotating them in and tapping them on the ground. Hold the downward dog position for your hips.
  • Roll forward into the starting position, tucking the tailbone and rounding the spine. A rep is one.
  • Alternate sets with the skull crusher while performing 3 sets of 8–10 repetitions.

Day 30: Triceps Kickback and Panther

Triceps Kickback:

  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Keeping your core tight, your back flat, and your butt sticking out, hinge forward at the hips.
  • Completely lock elbows by sides, push the weight back, and straighten the arms. Hold the squeeze for 2 seconds.
  • Retract elbows to a 90-degree angle while being careful not to swing the weight.


  • Lie on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, your knees bent and stacked under your hips, and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Knees should be 2 inches off the ground.
  • While maintaining a flat back and a tight core, advance the opposing arm and leg by 2 inches, turn the elbows in, and lower yourself toward the floor. Repeat on the opposite side.
  • Take four steps forward, followed by four steps backward. It’s one rep.
  • Alternate sets with the triceps kickback while performing 3 sets of 5 repetitions.
  • Alternate sets with the panther, performing 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

People also ask:


There are several ways to get rid of flabby arms in 30 days including , Week 1 of the 30-Day Arm Challenge: Basic Bodyweight Exercises, Week 2 of the 30-Day Arm Challenge: Just Add Dumbbells, Week 3: Strength and endurance, Week 4: Fine-Tuning and Flows.

Goodbye Flabby Arms!

There must be infinite number of other ways to rid of flabby arms . If you have additional advice please share it with the world in the comment section!

Stay Happy : )

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