Health & Beauty Fitness

How to Get a Smaller Waist and Bigger Hips – Best 13 Exercises

If you’re wondering how to get a smaller waist and bigger hips, first we need to understand the waist to hip ratio is a universal measurement of beauty that isn’t objective and can vary depending on environment, culture, etc. Nearly all women desire a curvy body with a smaller waist and a big booty.

The ideal sexy body has a smaller waist and well-rounded, big bums. Some women are fortunate enough to have it naturally without putting in much work, whereas others must make additional efforts. This article is intended for people who were not born with large hips and a narrow waist. With the help of this manual, you will discover how to increase hip size with exercise.

how to get a smaller waist and bigger hips: best 13 exercises

how to get a smaller waist and bigger hips

Exercises for a bigger butt?

Are you prepared to bulk up your backside? The following exercises can either be done in a single workout or incorporated into a lower body or full body routine at least twice per week.

Begin slowly by performing just one set of each exercise. You can increase the number of sets of each exercise as they become easier, up to two or three.

1. Glute bridge

The glute bridge isolates and strengthens your glute muscles, hamstrings, and core while also enhancing hip stability in a safe exercise for beginners.

Performing this exercise:

  • Knees bent and feet flat on the ground, lie on your back. With your palms flat on the ground, position your arms at your sides.
  • Put your feet firmly on the ground, tighten your glutes, and lift your hips off the surface. From your shoulders to your knees, your body should be in a straight line.
  • Five seconds of pause at the top are followed by a slow descent to the starting position.
  • Finish three sets of 15 repetitions.

2. Walking lunge with weights

The walking lunge is a great exercise for strengthening and toning the glutes, as well as the quadriceps and improving balance.

Before attempting this move, speak with a physical therapist if you have any knee, ankle, or hip problems.

Performing this exercise:

  • Your arms should be at your sides as you hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Place your feet about hip distance apart and stand. With your left foot, advance about two feet.
  • Make sure your left knee is parallel to the floor by bending it downward. The forward lunge position looks like this.
  • Take a moment to pause and hold this posture.
  • Then, step forward on your back leg (which should be your right), and repeat the lunge leading motion with this leg.
  • Repeat this walking lunge pattern, alternating legs for 20 repetitions (10 each leg).
  • Complete 2 sets of 20 repetitions.

3. Jumping squats

Your heart rate will increase as a result of this intense plyometric exercise, which also works your glutes, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

Before attempting jump squats, speak with a physical therapist if you have any knee, ankle, hip, or balance issues.

Performing this exercise:

  • With your arms by your sides and your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, squat to a standing position.
  • Once your thighs are parallel to your knees, lower your body. Put your palms together and extend your arms in front of you as you squat.
  • Lift your body off the ground and upward. Try to lift your feet off the ground by at least 3 inches. Arms outstretched to aid in momentum
  • Repeat by squatting again with softly bowed knees.
  • Complete 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

4. Single-leg deadlift

The single-leg deadlift is an advanced to expert exercise that strengthens your hamstrings and glutes. Your core stability and balance are also put to the test.

Performing this exercise:

  • In each hand, hold a dumbbell. In front of your thighs, place your hands.
  • Standing with a slight knee bend and your weight on your right side. Put your core muscles to work.
  • Start the motion by hinging at the hip. Allow the weights to fall to the ground in front of you as you hinge, palms facing one another. As your left leg straightens out and your right foot stays on the floor, your torso will drop toward the ground.
  • When you can get your left leg as close to parallel to the floor as you can without tipping over, hinge slowly.
  • Bring your leg back to its starting position gradually.
  • On each leg, perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

5. Clamshell

The deep glute muscles (gluteus medius and minimus), which are frequently overlooked when performing exercises like the squat and deadlift, are the focus of the clamshell. These muscles, which are smaller than the gluteus maximus, support your pelvis, guard against lower back pain, and keep your lower body in balance.

How to do this exercise:

  • Lay on your left side, stacking your legs, placing your right hand on your hip and your head resting on your left arm.
  • Knees and hips should be bent 90 degrees. Your butt and feet should be parallel.
  • Keep your feet together as you engage your core and lift your right knee as high as you can. Keep your hips stacked and your left knee firmly planted on the ground. Avoid turning your hips back.
  • Several seconds at the top, then gradually lower to the starting position.
  • Complete three 15-rep sets, then move on to the opposite side.

6. Banded side step

The exercise known as the banded side step targets both your glutes and your hip muscles. Combine banded side steps with another lower body exercise, such as squats or lunges, to give your glutes a serious work-out.

You might want to begin by putting the resistance band just below your knees. You can lower the band toward your ankles as the exercise gets easier.

Performing this exercise:

  • Start by assuming a shoulder-width position for your feet.
  • Put a resistance band around your ankles or just below your knees. Your outside legs and glutes will feel the resistance.
  • Your booty should descend about a quarter of the way as you flex your knees.
  • Take a step to the right with your right foot, releasing the band’s tension before coming back to the center. Repeat.
  • Before repeating on the left, take 10 side steps to the right. Make three sets for each side.

7. Donkey kicks

Donkey kicks specifically work your glutes, which is something many other exercises don’t. They are a fantastic exercise for targeting and firming your lower back because they only work the three glute muscles.

How to carry out this activity

  • On all fours, start the position. Your hands should be flat on the floor under your shoulders, your spine should remain neutral, and your knees should be spaced out to hip-width.
  • While keeping your right knee bent and your foot flat, lift your right leg off the ground while bracing your core.
  • Your foot should be raised toward the ceiling by using your gluteal muscles. After pausing, tighten your top fist. Check to see that your hips and pelvis are still pointing downward.
  • Backtrack to where you were before.
  • Perform three sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

Exercises for small waist?

Again, if you’re one of the 1.3k people who look up exercises to reduce waist size each month, there isn’t one exercise that will give you a strong, cinched core. Altering your exercise regimen to help you lose body fat while also strengthening your core muscles will help you change your body composition. (We’d also like to add that performance-based goals, like aiming to lift more weight or run farther, will yield so much more benefits than aesthetic ones.)

Check out the list below for some effective exercises that target those midline muscles, along with instructions.

8. Pilates swimming

This exercise works the abs and lower back while maintaining a long, strong spine.

  • Lay on your back on a yoga mat.
    With your palms facing down, extend your arms out in front of you, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. With the tops of your feet flat on the mat and slightly wider than hip-width apart, extend your legs straight behind you. You can slightly turn your knees and feet out to the side if this is uncomfortable for you.
  • Lift your right arm and left leg off the mat as you lift your upper body to look just over the front edge of the mat.
  • Turn to your left arm and right leg while maintaining your upper body lift. By inhaling for four switches and exhaling for four switches, you can alternately switch while maintaining the rhythm.
    Do not forget to maintain abdominal engagement to support your lower back. Your upper back (for your arms) and your hamstrings and glutes should do the lifting work (for your legs). Instead of starting the motion with your hands or feet, try starting it with your shoulders and hips.
  • 24 breaths in three sets.

9. Plank saw

Your shoulders will get stronger from this difficult plank, which also puts your abdominal stability and strength to the test.

  • Beginning with a plank on your forearms.
  • On an inhale, shift your body weight forward, gliding your chest toward your fingers; on an exhale, shift your body weight back, pressing into your heels.
  • Don’t sag into your shoulders or hips, and maintain stability in both. Instead of focusing on having a wide range of motion, think “high and strong.”

10. Cycling crunches

This time-tested exercise strengthens the entire abdominal wall while giving rotational focus to the abdominal obliques.

  • Kneel down on a mat with your feet flat on the ground. Keep your elbows wide open as you bring your hands behind your head.
  • Rotate to one side while raising your upper body off the floor until your shoulder blades are visible. Raise the knee on the other side. Avoid thinking of this as “elbow to knee,” as you’ll end up straining your neck too much. Instead, visualize rotating from your midsection while aiming your shoulder toward your knee and applying heavy resistance with your upper body. As you rotate, exhale.
  • Inhale as you cross the midline and exhale as you turn to the opposite side to change directions. Twist to the other side, allowing your raised leg to tap back to the ground.
  • As you move, keep your shoulders steady and your abs tucked in tight.
  • Instead of tapping your bottom leg on the floor, extend it out at a 45-degree angle to make it more challenging.

11. Russian twists 

  • Lie on your back with your knees raised and bent at a 45-degree angle, your feet just off the ground, and the weight above your chest in both hands. Raise your torso off the floor so that it forms a 45° angle using your abs.
  • Slowly rotate your torso to the right while maintaining a straight, raised arm position. Repetition of the twist on the left side after a brief pause. One rep, then.

12. Alternating bird dog

  • Kneel down on the floor in a tabletop position, tuck your bum under, and engage your core. Lift your left leg until it is parallel to the floor while simultaneously raising your right arm until it is next to your ear.
  • Resuming where you left off, repeat with your left arm and right leg. A rep is one. You can avoid toppling to one side by keeping your core tight.

13. V-sit hold

  • Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, knees bent, and arms outstretched in front.
  • Sit back and raise your legs so that your body forms a V shape. Hold. And indeed, keep holding.

People also ask:


There are several exercise for bigger hips and smaller waist including Glute bridge, Jumping squats, Walking lunge with weights, Single-leg deadlift, Clamshell, Banded side step, Donkey kicks, Pilates swimming, Plank saw, Cycling crunches, Russian twists , Alternating bird dog, V-sit hold.


There must be infinite number of other exercise too , If you have any additional advice, please share it with the world in the comment section!

Stay Happy : )

5 replies on “How to Get a Smaller Waist and Bigger Hips – Best 13 Exercises”

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